About Us

About Chiba Mosque:

Chiba Mosque registrad as 一般社団法人CHIBA MOSQUE dated 2015/05/01, located in 253 Sancho, lnage ku, Chiba Prefecture Japan, serves primarily as the central place for the Muslim brothers and sisters in Central Chiba to pray and perform other religious activities such as iftar and Taraweeh during Ramadan. We also have regular Saturday programs where lectures on the Qur'an, Hadith, and Seerah. among other topics, are delivered by an Islamic scholar Another vital role of the Masjid is to spread the teachings of lslam in Japan. While we accept many visitors from non-Muslim Japanese who are interested in learning lslam, tens of Japanese have converted to lslam at this Mosque. Many people from diverse ethnicities and countries are involved in our activities, including, but not limited to, Pakistanis, Africans, Bangladeshis, Indians, Indonesians, Malaysians as well as Japanese at Saturday programs, these people prepare and provide dinners every week to share not only knowledge and teaching but also food and stories. Islamic Teachings for Kids Our Masque's programs for the kids include the teachings of Arabic readings and some basics about lslam (such as shahada, the pillars of lslam, how to make Wudu' and perform Salah, etc. These programs are run by lmam and volunteers, mainly students workers; and their families, under the supervision of our lmam. Recently, a new program for Kids,Japanese Kendo by Chiba kita police Station. May Allah accept ail your good deeds.

Allah Help Those Who Help Themselves

Our Vision

Our Vision is to maintain the Chiba Mosque as a peaceful sanctuary where people can come to worship and gather in tranquility .

Our Mission

Cbiba Mosque is committed to establishing and maintaining a facility for Muslim worship in the heart of CHIBA. Please join with us.

Learn How to read Quran.


Charity & Donation

Parent Education

Hadith & Sunnah

Mosque Development

Every Muslim Needs To Realise The Importance Of The "Pillar" Of Islam

Our Team

Meet Our Organizer



****Assalaamu’Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh (Peace Be Upon You ) **** Thank you for visiting our website, I guess you have come across us because of your interest in Islam in one way or another. I wish to tell you that as a matter of fact, the sense of values of the Japanese and the sense of values of Islam has so much in common. Chiba is a very friendly city and Japanese people deserve our efforts to introduce them about Islam. As for Muslim community living in this beautiful city, we are in need to build a new Masjid to be an important place for daily prayers, improving Islamic knowledge, and strengthening community cohesion. The committee has been working extremely hard to prepare the proposal and plans for our beautiful Chiba Masjid and to establish new criteria and procedures that are vital to the success of a building of its size combining a prayer space, facilities, library, cultural and educational center for enlightening Muslims and non-Muslims about the religion of Islam. We kindly ask you to help us to build the Masjid in Chiba and to have your sincere prayers that may Allah bless this Masjid. I would like to send special thanks for the Muslim community in Chiba and all of brothers and sisters in Japan and worldwide for the donations and great supports during our campaigns. Finally, I would like to give a note of thanks to all of our dedicated committee members, for all of their precious efforts and thoughts. Needless to say, whilst the challenge and responsibility is great, Alhamdulillah, it remains an honor to serve Muslims and Islam in Chiba. Jazaakumullaahu khairan .


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Chiba Mosque

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Chiba Mosque